Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Down the distro road : Debian, Slackware Linux and ArchLinux

Name :Debian (www.debian.org/)
Creator :Ian Murdork (while he was a student at the Pursue University)
Date Created :16th August 1993

Gotcha! :

From what I have browsed so far of Debian, it seems to have fantastic documentation of all the applications, tools, softwares and libraries that comes with this distro. You should take a look at it too at http://packages.debian.org/stable/.

'Uniquelity' :

Debian's AudioLink enables you to seatch for music and videos easily and Aumix tunes you to music mixers and total entertainment. Infact, Debian has over 20 entertainment softwares within its walls. To browse through all the sound fascilities in Debian, you can check out http://packages.debian.org/stable/sound/. You will be astounded! There is even a software to gear you up with Guitar playing! Plus, Debian offers all these for F-R-E-E. Can you believe that? It has in-built Python, Perl and Shell. So if you are a born programming and cannot go a day without programming then you got your right gear. There over a 100 softwares and tools in Debian that you can search for to learn about through the very tactful documentation at the website stated above. Meanwhile, you can watch the video below to get aquick glimpse.


Name :Slackware Linux (http://www.slackware.com/)
Creator : Patrick Volkerding
Date Created : 16th July 1993

Gotcha! :

It seems that Slackware Linux is the rumoured to be the primitive distro from which the others were build. I mean 1993 does spell ancient. Through this link, you can check out the various Linux distros based on Slackware Linux http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_distributions#Slackware-based.

'Uniquelity' :

One cannot live without entertainment and just because Slackware Linux might be primitive doesn't mean its entertainment services are primitive too. Infact, Slackware shows no slack-hood in deleivering cool entertainment fascilties. Slackware Linux distro comes with EsounD, the Enlightened Sound Daemon that accomodates several audio streams into one particular audio device for a properly synched playback. That means, a few or many sound applications can share the same audio device. Neat huh?

Something even more hair-raising about Slackware Linux is, it comes with Emacspeak with a speech interface software that comes in handy when you've forgotten to bring your spectacles and groop around the webpage for an hour to click the write icon. Infact. Emacspeak allows the visually impaired to interactive independently with the computer. This is something really praise-worthy. To peek into more applications in Slackware, you can use this search engine for softwares inside Slackware Linux and get the overall list of what you need to know. For example, suppose you want to know what games are stored inside Slackware, youc an type 'Games' in the search engine and get the results. Chekc it out! http://packages.slackware.it/search.php?v=current&t=1&q=games


Name :Arch Linux (http://www.archlinux.org/)
Creator : Aaron Griffin
Date Created : 11th March 2002

Gotcha! :

ArchLinux is pretty interesting because it allows its users to have new applications/softwares updates on a daily basis through the rolling release system. A rolling release system means a simultaneously evolving software system. Thus, if you are person who wants new applications everyday, you can get ArchLinux bur beware of your memory space - make sure you have enough.

'Uniquelity' :

If you are the big cheese in webcam photography and videography but love Linux, you might want to consider ArchLinux distro because it comes with an application called Cheese that allows great play with photos and videos. Infact, with Cheese, you can finally put your webcam to work and take some cool photos or videos and add zanny special effects to it. Cheese can be your simplified photoshop on Linux! Cheese is a Gnome product and you can check out this website to see what Cheese can do : http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.22/#sect:cheese.

If you are project maniac and love to write scripts and do lots of projects for the betterment of the openSource-hood, maybe you want to conside ArchLinux also because it comes with this tool called Git that helps you to filter out what GNU calls 'stupid' content. Git is a project covered by GNU general public licence and was initially started by Linus Torvalds himself. Git helps you to identify abnormality in your project or what the GNU people call, non-linearity in your project. This would be particularly handy for software developers who are in tight schedules to submit their projects or risk their boss' wrath. Git has a convienient toolkit with many C scripts and nice wrapper programs. If I went on talking about Git, I would probably be copying the whol chuck from the website (that means trouble for me) so see it for yourself : http://git.or.cz/. There is a whole bunch of softwares and packages in ArchLinux so you might want to consider pepping into http://www.archlinux.org/packages/search/?arch=all&repo=Extra&q=&limit=50.

Hilarious Moments : OS WARS - A New Hope

Linux triumphs the battle and rejoices over the victory. Distros from all over the world join at the headquaters to celebrate and recollect their memorious moments.

Linux : My dear distros! Today is an important day for us!
Distros : Hail the Linux! Hail the Penguins!
Linux : Today will be the day I announce my special troop to move with me in the battles to come.
Distros : Who our lord?
Linux : KDE, Gnome and openOffice.org will join in my standard contingent.
Distros : Good choice!
Linux : Beryl and Compix Fusion will lead the graphics march!
Distros : Yeah!
Linux : And my dear distros, you are free to choose your system applications and tools. Be sure to fight with the troop when you are needed!
Distros : We will!
Linux : There is an empire to build and protect! There is a mission to keep up! There is a whole world of computers to change!
Distros : YES!
Linux : All for the betterment of the bytes and bits of our silicon valley!
Distros : Hail to our lord Linux!

The end.....or just the beginning.....