Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hilarious Moments : OS WARS - Attack of the Distros

After challenging the Windows Defender and prooving its wits, Linux takes it to the next level of war. Linux gathers power and strength from all over the planet and pulls through in creating more armies of distros. Bytes and bits who support Linux join in the force and give their full support contributing the essentials tools and weapons Linux needs to stay in the game.

Linux : My dear distros! I've gained power! Thanks to you.
Distros : Hail oh Linux!
Linux : Today, we rise!
Distros : YES!
Linux : Today, we rejoice!
Distros : YES!
Linux : Today, we fight as one for the betterment of open-source and the community of bytes and bits!
Distros : Fight! Fight! Fight!
Linux : Let's break down the Windows empire and hail to open-source!
Distros : Hail to open-source!
Linux : ATTACK!

Windows Defender : Sir, they are coming!
Windows Manager : Who? What? Where?
Windows Defencer : Linux and his distros! There is a whole army of them!
Windows Manager : He gathered troops so fast! When we are here? We have the best minds in the whole of silicon valley!
Windows Defender : Sir, not anymore. He gathered troops through open-source.
Windows Manager : Open-source? But that is technically unethical! No byte or bit would support that!
Windows Defender : They have sir. And they have contributed every of the best weapons and tools to Linux.
Windows Manager : NO!
Linux : Muahahahah! I'm back!
Windows Defender : You dare be back!
Linux : Fedora, shoot that liveboot at them!
Windows Manager : What liveboot! You can't have that!
Linux : SUSE, blast then through that Banshee!
Windows Defender : Shut that thing! It's killing my chips!
Windows Manager : No! The viruses! There are coming in!
Linux : Muahahah! I told you not to mess with me!
Windows Defender : Sir, we need to save what is left! Let's leave!
Linux : Muhahahah! Run! Run! Run! Hail to the brave new world of Linux!

To be continued.....

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