Now up for this entry. In my previous entry, I gave some historical background about how Linux started. Now, I would go about into the different types of desktops that Linux offers. Or to put it in a more psychological term, its like one person having split personalities. In Linux, it is called different distros/distributions. Just how many are there? Well, I don't know! Take a look at this:
You'll be amazed at just how many distributions there are of Linux! In upcoming blog entries, I would discuss about a few of those distros and provide you with nice little soccer-commentary-like comparisons, pros and cons of these distros.
Above is just a picture of the logos of the many distributions of Linux. The most famous one is ubuntu! Wait till you see the video below and you'll want it too!
Vista VS Linux!
Windows VS The Penguin!
By the way, the penguin is Linux's mascot. Alright, now you've seen what Linux and Vista does. I, as an aspiring computer scientist would love to give some judgement from my opinion (hopefully logical) about Linux and Vista. Let's start with the more fiery and fun one - Linux.
Linux has cool graphics and animations. Everything is out of the norm. It let's you play around with the dialog boxes and make them dance to your tunes with a small click and drag of the mouse. It has the very interesting six-face cubed viewing of multiple desktops. This feature allows you to have 6 different desktops with different purposes all running at the same time in the same system. For example, you can have one desktop only for your chats and messaging, another desktop for doing your assignments due the next day (and you are playing with Linux at 12am) and another desktop to watch videos and listent to music. You get the idea right? Moreover, Linux seems to be exceptionally faster in processing your dialog boxes, which is what all computer users want. Linux offers a microsoft-office like software applications also. These applications are from Ubuntu
The great UNIX guru TWH said that they were equivalent to Microsoft Office 97-2003. This might be a little disadvantage of Linux. But who cares! Especially when you can make your computer totally personal with the cool graphics Linux offers. All in all, Linux seems to be providing an OS that is fast, fun and fluid (by saying fluid, I mean smooth, just to keep the alliteration).
Above is a snapshot of an Ubuntu Linux desktop.
As for Vista. Well, what should I say? I am a Vista user myself and I have friend who claims that those who use Vista are morons (because he is a die-hard fan of Linux). So, should we consider Vista users morons? Let's see what Vista offers. Vista too has nice graphics - the glass-like window panels and dialog boxes. Then, the cool windows sidebar which comes with little gadgets we can use. E.g the clock, picture viewer and sticky notes (I love the sticky notes!). Other than that... (I can't believe I am actually running out of things to say). It doesn't have many graphics stuff that Linux offers. Vista cannot make the windows dance around, or icons to be shuffled all over the desktop and don't even think about seeing the six-faced cube in Vista. And Vista, is a little slow. My friend (the one who called Vista users morons) said and proved to me that Linux improved laptop battery power by 1hr! Vista simply drenched mine. So, Vista offers its own set of visual graphics and a very useful Microsoft Office applications which provides many beautiful functions. For example, even the dullest document in Microsoft Word can be turned to a glamorous piece of work using the different tools to beautify your document. But, Vista is slow. (My laptop runs pretty slow when I have a 2GB processor)
Hence, what is my judgement?
Windows Vista used to be the tiger of operation systems.
Linux is the new cheetah...or rather the penguin that flies.
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